For many small business owners, the dream of thriving in today's competitive digital landscape often clashes with the reality of marketing complexities and budget constraints. Maximizing sales is not just about having a great product or service but also effectively navigating through common pitfalls that can hinder growth.
In the vast realm of digital marketing, advertisers are presented with two distinct approaches: Open Web advertising and walled garden advertising. Each has its merits and drawbacks, influencing how brands connect with their target audience. Let's dive into the key differences between the two to help you make informed decisions for your marketing strategy.
One of the first steps you take in ecommerce is to purchase a domain name.
But if you have no experience with building websites or selling online, this sound daunting. In reality, getting a domain is a breeze. But choosing a name is not quite as straightforward as you may think. In this article, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about website domains and hosting. Most of us are just content to be making sales. But how often do we pause and consider if we’re making enough from those sales? The million dollar question is, could you be making more?
NFTs Explained + NFTs and EcommerceHave you heard of non-fungible tokens? Perhaps you know them by their acronym, NFT.
If you pay attention to the digital marketing space, you undoubtedly have! NFTs have been all the buzz for quite some time. And while you may have heard of them, do you know exactly what they are? And how, if at all, they impact the future of ecommerce? |